This is a quick post to share my initial experience with an amazing compact camera – the Sony RX100.

I was at the Glow Run at UTEP over the weekend and I thought it would be a good opportunity to compare the RX100 to my go-to event camera, the Nikon D700.

I like using the D700 for events because it does great in low light and the file sizes it produces make managing several hundred captures a simple task.

I wondered if the RX100 would be able to produce usable files in this low light situation. I was shocked by the results. Below is a comparison of photos taken with these two cameras. The left photo was taken during the first start and the right photo was taken just a few minutes later during the second wave.

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The left image was the Nikon and the right is the Sony. Both shots were taken at ISO 1600. The shutter speeds were slightly different due to the changing light and the slightly different apertures.

Keep in mind that one photo was taken with multiple thousands of dollars of equipment weighing several pounds and the other was taken with a compact camera that weighs 8.5 ounces, costs less than $400, and can fit comfortably in almost any pocket.